Planned Giving and Donations 

As part of their discipleship Christians regularly give their money, time and talents to support the work of their local church.  It is possible to give a regular sum of money on a regular basis (normally weekly or monthly) this is known as ‘planned giving’ and contributes towards the mission and the running costs of the parish.
Planned Giving
There are two ways in which you can commit to planned giving:

Family Purse
This is the weekly ‘envelope’ scheme.  Members of the scheme are given a box of envelopes for each Sunday of the year; they put what they wish to give in the sealed envelope and place it in the collection plate during the Sunday service. 
Envelopes are numbered in such a way as to ensure that no one knows exactly how much you are giving.

Direct to Bank
The other way is to make a donation direct to bank, this is normally monthly by standing order. 

Gift Aid
UK tax payers may also ‘gift aid’ their giving, this enables the church to claim back 25p for every £1 you give from the HMRC.
Please ask one of the Churchwardens or treasurer if you’d like to join one of the Planned Giving schemes or to find out more.

One off donations
Donations may be made at any time.  Either place it in an envelope marked ‘for the attention of the treasurer’ or place it in the collection plate at one of our services.  Completing a gift aid declaration enables us to claim 25% additional funds from the HMRC.

Another way to support the parish financially is to leave a legacy in your will.  For more information go to:

Sean Sheffield, 16/04/2018